DiversiWeb 2012 (Elena Simperl, Paul Groth, Paolo Massa and Denny Vrandecic) Canceled
Monday April 16th – morning
HCI, Web and Graphics Curricula at the Crossroads of Science, Design and Technology (Su White, Clare J. Hooper and Mountaz Hascoet)
Monday April 16th – afternoon
Emerging Web Technologies, Facing the Future of Education (Eric Sanchez, Denis Gillet and Vladan Devedzic)
Monday April 16th – afternoon
Messaging and Web of Data: Private meets Public (and vice-versa) (Romain Vuillemot, Michal Laclavik and Vitor Carvalho)
Monday April 16th – afternoon
MultiA-Pro: International Workshop on Interoperability of User Profiles in Multi-Application Web Environments (Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Shlomo Berkovsky and Geert-Jan Houben)
Monday April 16th – fullday
Appification of the Web (Ed Chi, Brian Davison and Evgeniy Gabrilovich)
Monday April 16th – fullday
MSND : Workshop on Mining Social Networks Dynamics (Hakim Hacid, Shengbo Guo and Julien Velcin)
Monday April 16th – fullday
LDOW2012: Linked Data on the Web (Tim Berners-Lee, Christian Bizer, Tom Heath and Michael Hausenblas)
Monday April 16th – fullday
LSNA: Large Scale Network Analysis (Qi He, Lee Giles, John McPherson, Yuanyuan Tian and Ding Zhou)
Monday April 16th – fullday
MSM2012: Making Sense of Microposts (Matthew Rowe, Milan Stankovic and Aba-Sah Dadzie. )
Monday April 16th – fullday
SMANE 2012: Intl. Workshop on Social Media Applications in News and Entertainment (Alejandro Jaimes, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Daniel Gatica-Perez and Jochen Spangenberg)
Monday April 16th – fullday
The Anti-Social Web: Credibility and Quality Issues on the Web and Social Media (WebQuality 2012) (Carlos Castillo, Zoltan Gyongyi, Adam Jatowt and Katsumi Tanaka)
Monday April 16th – fullday
WI&C: Web Intelligence and Communities (Rajendra Akerkar, Pierre Maret and Laurent Vercouter)
Tuesday April 17th
Tuesday April 16th – morning
Dec3D2012: Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture (Jacek Jankowski, Johannes Behr, Don Brutzman, Ivan Herman and Kristian Sons)
Tuesday April 16th – morning
SWCS: Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces (Pascal Molli, John Breslin, Hideaki Takeda and Sebastian Schaffert)
Tuesday April 16th – morning
WAC7: ACL SIG on Web as Corpus (Serge Sharoff, Adam Kilgarriff and Jan Pomikalek)
Tuesday April 16th – afternoon
USEWOD 2012: 2nd Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (Bettina Berendt, Laura Hollink, Vera Hollink, Markus Luczak-Rösch, Knud Möller and David Vallet)
Tuesday April 16th – afternoon
Xperience Web 2012: Reasoning from Experiences on the Web (Sarah Jane Delany, Saurav Sahay and Nirmalie Wiratunga)
Tuesday April 16th – afternoon
AdMIRE 2012: The Web of Music – 4th International Workshop on Advances in Music Information Research (Markus Schedl, Peter Knees and Oscar Celma)
Tuesday April 16th – Fullday
Community Question Answering on the Web (Eugene Agichtein, Gideon Dror and Yoelle Maarek)
Tuesday April 16th – afternoon
CrowdSearch: Crowdsourcing Web search (Piero Fraternali, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Stefano Ceri and Fausto Giunchiglia)
Tuesday April 16th – fullday
Linked Learning 2012: 2nd International Workshop on Learning and Education with the Web of Data (Stefan Dietze, Mathieu D’aquin and Dragan Gaševic)
Tuesday April 16th – fullday
PhiloWeb 2012: Web and Philosophy: why and what for ? (Alexandre Monnin, Harry Halpin and Leslie Carr)
Tuesday April 16th – fullday
PSOSM: Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and Virgilio Almeida)
Tuesday April 16th – fullday
SIMPLEX: Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners (Nishanth Sastry and Raul Mondragon)
Tuesday April 16th – fullday
Social Web for Disaster Management (Maja Vukovic, Soundar R. T. Kumara and Vassilis Kostakos)
Tuesday April 16th – fullday
TempWeb: Second Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Julien Masanes and Marc Spaniol)
Tuesday April 16th – fullday
WS-REST 2012: Third International Workshop on RESTful Design (Cesare Pautasso, Erik Wilde and Rosa Alarcon)
Monday April 16th
Tuesday April 17th