Bridging the Gap: A Reflection on an Interdisciplinary Approach to Social Media Research Pablo Aragón, Jessica Gould, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Karolin Kapler, David Laniado, Ricard Ruiz de Querol, Carlos Ullod and Yana Volkovich
Collective Individuation: A New Theoretical Foundation for the Social Web Yuk Hui and Harry Halpin
Does the Internet ‘absorb’ human subjectivity and sociality? The limitations of two current dynamic process models to answer this question. Jeff Vass
Emotion aware clustering analysis as a tool for Web 2.0 communities detection: Implications for curriculum development Athena Vakali and Konstantinos Kafetsios
Exploring Social Networks with Topical Analysis Jiyeon Jang, Jinhyuk Choi, Gwan Jang and Sung-Hyon Myaeng
Exploring the Web of Coined Catchy Phrases Torbjörn Lager and Jenny Myredal
Information Overload In Social Media Streams And The Approaches To Solve It Maria Grineva and Maxim Grinev
Modeling User Reports in Crowdmaps as a Complex Network Carlos Caminha and Vasco Furtado
Patents: a stress-test for the linked data web? Marie-Christine Kominowski, Keri Rowles, Arne Kruger and Nigel Shadbolt
The development of a new model of governance for online defamation in light of the emergence of social web technologies Sarosh Khan, Roksana Moore and Mark Weal
The State of Open Data – Limits of Current Open Data Platforms Katrin Braunschweig, Julian Eberius, Maik Thiele and Wolfgang Lehner
Traces of Social Media Activism from Malaysia and Pakistan M. Atif Qureshi, Arjumand Younus, Lay-Ki Soon, Muhammad Saeed, Nasir Touheed and Colm O’Riordan
Trustworthiness of Linked Data Using PKI Enayat Rajabi and Mohsen Kahani
Understanding the mechanics of online collective action using ‘big data’ Scott Hale and Helen Margetts
Using Mixed Methods to Track the Growth of the Web: Tracing Open Government Data Initiatives Ramine Tinati, Leslie Carr, Susan Halford and Catherine Pope
Web-Scale Image Retrieval and Its Novel Applications Sung-Eui Yoon
Web Science in the SONIC Research Group Willem Pieterson and Noshir Contractor
Why Is the Shape of the Web a Bowtie? Panagiotis Metaxas
WORLD-IMPRESSION: How Do Netizens View the World? Lei Zhang, Lizhi Wan, Thanassis Tiropanis and Wendy Hall
List of accepted papers sorted by title
Pablo Aragón, Jessica Gould, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Karolin Kapler, David Laniado, Ricard Ruiz de Querol, Carlos Ullod and Yana Volkovich
Yuk Hui and Harry Halpin
Jeff Vass
Athena Vakali and Konstantinos Kafetsios
Jiyeon Jang, Jinhyuk Choi, Gwan Jang and Sung-Hyon Myaeng
Torbjörn Lager and Jenny Myredal
Maria Grineva and Maxim Grinev
Carlos Caminha and Vasco Furtado
Marie-Christine Kominowski, Keri Rowles, Arne Kruger and Nigel Shadbolt
Sarosh Khan, Roksana Moore and Mark Weal
Katrin Braunschweig, Julian Eberius, Maik Thiele and Wolfgang Lehner
M. Atif Qureshi, Arjumand Younus, Lay-Ki Soon, Muhammad Saeed, Nasir Touheed and Colm O’Riordan
Enayat Rajabi and Mohsen Kahani
Scott Hale and Helen Margetts
Ramine Tinati, Leslie Carr, Susan Halford and Catherine Pope
Sung-Eui Yoon
Willem Pieterson and Noshir Contractor
Panagiotis Metaxas
Lei Zhang, Lizhi Wan, Thanassis Tiropanis and Wendy Hall