In order to correctly allocate the right sized rooms to different conference events, please select in the on-line registration form the Tutorial you plan to attend (only valid for dates included in your registration fee). Your request does not guarantee availability until room distribution has been processed and minimum attendance is covered.
Monday 20th.
Full Day
T1-F Accessibility for the Modern Web: Design and Evaluation of Accessible Websites (Christopher Power, Helen Petrie, Andre Freire, Gerhard Weber, David Sloan and Giorgio Brajnik)
T2-F Query Log Mining (Fabrizio Silvestri and Ricardo Baeza-Yates) Slides
T3-M Web Search Engine Metrics: Direct Metrics to Measure User Satisfaction (Ali Dasdan, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis and Emre Velipasaoglu) Slides
T4-M Introduction to Social Computing (Irwin King) Slides
T5-M Hello Open World – The Web of Data for the Pragmatic Developer (Michael Hausenblas and Alexandre Passant.)
T6-A Online advertising: business models, technologies and issues (James Shanahan)
T7-A Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval (Tie-Yan Liu) Slides
T8-A Interactive Television and the Web (Pablo Cesar and Konstantinos Chorianopoulos) Slides
Tuesday 21st.
Full Day
T9-F From SOA to REST – Designing and Implementing RESTful Services (Cesare Pautasso and Erik Wilde)
T10-F Extracting, Searching and Mining Semantic Annotations on the Web (Soumen Chakrabarti) Slides
T11-M Online Trust and Reputation Systems (Neel Sundaresan)
T12-M Rules on the Web (Benjamin Grosof, Mike Dean, Michael Kifer and Raphael Volz) Slides
T13-A Developing Mobile Web Applications and Mobile Widgets (Alison Lee, Andreas Girgensohn) Slides
T14-A Detecting, Understanding and Exploiting Web communities Slides (Athena Vakali and Ioannis Kompatsiaris)
In order to correctly allocate the right sized rooms to different conference events, please select in the on-line registration form the Tutorial you plan to attend (only valid for dates included in your registration fee). Your request does not guarantee availability until room distribution has been processed and minimum attendance is covered.
Monday 20th.
Full Day
(Christopher Power, Helen Petrie, Andre Freire, Gerhard Weber, David Sloan and Giorgio Brajnik)
(Ali Dasdan, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis and Emre Velipasaoglu) Slides
(Michael Hausenblas and Alexandre Passant.)
Tuesday 21st.
Full Day
(Cesare Pautasso and Erik Wilde)
(Athena Vakali and Ioannis Kompatsiaris)