7th Web Intelligence and Communities Workshop, Rajendra Akerkar, Pierre Maret and Laurent Vercouter.

  • The WI&C’15 workshop aims to stimulate discussion and further research on web intelligence applied to collaborative networks, such as virtual communities. Web Intelligence consists of a multidisciplinary area dealing with exploiting data and services over the Web, to create new data and services using both Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Communities appear as a first-class object in the areas of web intelligence and agent technologies, as well as a crucial crossroads of several sub-domains (i.e. user modelling, protocols, data management, data mining, content modelling, etc.).

  • Afternoon
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 1
  • http://www.tmrfindia.org/WIC15/

6th International Workshop on Web APIs and RESTful Design (WS-REST 2015), Ruben Verborgh, Thomas Steiner and Carlos Pedrinaci

  • WS-REST brings together Web API researchers, engineers, and practitioners in an open discussion forum on the design and use of the programmable Web. Submit your work about practices, principles, and solutions surrounding Web API design and use.

  • Full Day
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 2
  • ws-rest.org/2015/

5th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb), Marc Spaniol, Julien Masanes and Ricardo Baeza-Yates

  • TempWeb focuses on investigating infrastructures, scalable methods, and innovative software for aggregating, querying, and analyzing heterogeneous data at Internet scale. Particular emphasis is given to temporal data analysis along the time dimension for Web data that has been collected over extended time periods. A major challenge in this regard is the sheer size of the data it exposes and the ability to make sense of it in a useful and meaningful manner for its users. Topics relevant to TempWeb therefore include – but are not limited to – infrastructures and extended analytical tools to make sense of the mass of information that the historic and current Web represent.

  • Full Day
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 3
  • http://www.temporalweb.net/

The 5th ‘Making Sense of Microposts’ Workshop (Microposts2015), Matthew Rowe, Milan Stankovic and Aba-Sah Dadzie.

  • The 4th #Microposts2015 aims to bring together researchers from multiple disciplines to debate current efforts toward analysing and understanding Microposts, where we define Microposts as “information published on the Web that is small in size and requires minimal effort to publish (e.g. a Tweet, Facebook share, Instagram like, Google +1)”. The workshop will include presentation of research papers detailing latest findings as well as the Entity Extraction and Real-Time Disambiguation Challenge like last year. For the first time this year, the workshop will also include a dedicated Social Science track allowing researchers to present novel understandings and perspectives related to microposts phenomena.

  • Full Day
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 4
  • http://www.scc.lancs.ac.uk/microposts2015/

3rd International Workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2015), Lyndon Nixon, Johan Oomen and Raphaël Troncy

  • If the future Web will be able to fully use the scale and quality of online media, a Web scale layer of structured media annotation is needed, which we call Linked Media. This 3rd international workshop on Linked Media (LiME 2015), building on two successful events, aims at promoting the principles of Linked Media on the Web by gathering semantic media researchers, media owners, and media service providers to exchange current research and development work on online media description creation, publication, and processing. Specifically, we aim to promote the core principles of Linked Media and explore their value through demonstrations: the online publication of structured media descriptions, making media more easily shared, queried and re-used. This will offer a wide range of possibilities for various stakeholders in the creative industries.

  • Afternoon
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 5
  • http://www.linkedtv.eu/event/LiME2015

SOCM2015: The theory and practice of social machines, Wendy Hall, David De Roure, Nigel Shadbolt, Elena Simperl, Thanassis Tiropanis and Matthew Weber

  • Continuing from last years’ “Theory and Practice of Social Machines” workshops at WWW2013 and 2014, the 2015 edition of the SOCM workshop will look deeply at social machines that have, or may yet soon have, a profound impact on the lives of individuals, businesses, governments, and the society as a whole. Our goal is to discuss issues pertinent to the observation of both extant and yet unrealized social machines building on work of the Web Observatory Workshops of the last two years (WOW2013 and WOW2014). SOCM2015 aims to identify factors that govern the growth or impede these systems to develop, and to identify unmet observation needs or the kinds of loosely-coordinated distributed social systems the Web enables. We also intend to discuss methods to analyze and explore social machines, as essential mechanisms for deriving the guidelines and best practices that will inform the design of social machine observatories.

  • Full Day
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 6
  • http://sociam.org/socm2015/

3rd International Workshop on Social Web for Disaster Management, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz, Jie Yin and Maja Vukovic.

  • This workshop, now in its 3rd edition, provides a venue for research on disaster management as it relates to the real-time social web. Social Media in Emergency Management (SMEM) is an area that attracts researchers across a variety of specialties (e.g. natural language processing, machine learning, geographical information systems). These different perspectives are connected by social media as a common data source, and by disaster management as a common task. This workshop brings together researchers who strive to meet the urgent needs of the public and disaster response professionals during a crisis, by creating and improving Web-enabled disaster management methods and systems.

  • Full Day
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 7
  • https://sites.google.com/site/swdmwww15/

TargetAd 2015: Ad Targeting at Scale, Vanja Josifovski, Olivier Chapelle, Mihajlo Grbovic, Nemanja Djuric and Vladan Radosavljevic.

  • Recent advent of big data applications and platforms has led to a renaissance in many areas of machine learning and data mining. Computational advertising has particularly benefited, and the industry has observed a steady two-digit growth in the past few years. However, in order to maintain and improve upon such positive trend, researchers in academia and industry alike are faced with numerous theoretical and practical issues that require our immediate attention. To help overcome these challenges, objective of the workshop is to bring together interdisciplinary practitioners and researchers to discuss and critique the current state-of-the-art, as well as future directions of the ad targeting field.

  • Full Day
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 8
  • http://www.targetad-workshop.net

aw4city – Designing Smart City Web Applications, Leonidas Anthopoulos, Vishanth Weerakkody and Marijn Janssen.

  • The aim of AW4city workshop is to address web-based application and Apps’ design and development in the smart city and urban context, which is a rapidly emerging domain and suggests a steadily evolving dominant market. Applications of these types are crucial, and can be in the areas of economy, innovation, transparency, mobility, environment, security, health, leisure, living, people and governance while no particular standards define rules for corresponding application development yet. Theoretical concepts, empirical evidence and selected case studies from leading scholars and practitioners in the field showing the “big picture” of smart cities and urban areas will be examined in this workshop.

  • Morning
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 9
  • https://aw4city.wordpress.com/

The 2nd WWW Workshop on Big Scholarly Data: Towards the Web of Scholars (BigScholar). Feng Xia, Huan Liu and Irwin King.

  • The BigScholar 2015 workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners working on Big Scholarly Data to discuss what are emerging research issues and how to explore the Web of Scholars. Several core challenges such as the tools and methods for analyzing and mining scholarly data will be the main center of discussions at the workshop. The goal is to contribute to the birth of a community having a shared interest around the Web of Scholars and exploring it using data mining, recommender systems, social network analysis and other appropriate technologies.

  • Afternoon
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 9
  • http://msclab.org/bigscholar/

WebQuality 2015, Radoslaw Nielek, Adam Wierzbicki, Adam Jatowt and Katsumi Tanaka.

  • The 5th International Workshop on Web Quality is a well-respected forum for presenting novel research results devoted to analyzing and improving quality of information on the Web. Web content quality research is even more important than ever before, as the Internet has become by far the most important source of information for many people. This workshop is focused (among others) on uncovering distorted and biased content, measuring quality of web content (disregarding content type), modeling authors identity, trust and credibility and the role of groups in assuring high quality and trustful content for users. To encourage more research in the area of web content quality, two datasets have been made available for researchers and practitioners.

  • Morning
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 10
  • http://www.webquality.org

Offline and Online Evaluation of Web-based Services, Neha Gupta, Eunyee Koh and Lihong Li.

  • Effective and reliable evaluation lies in the heart of all empirical research and engineering disciplines. It is no exception for some of the most important services on the Web, such as advertising, recommendation, search, and social networks. It is popular to measure the performance by standard offline metrics like RMSE and NDCG, which do not necessarily agree with the ultimate online metric of interest (like click-through rate) when the system is deployed. Such a discrepancy, among other reasons, makes online experiment critical for evaluating a Web-based system. Recently, in order to reduce cost in running online experiments, reliable offline evaluation has attracted increasing interests in the industry with exciting empirical success. This timely workshop aims to bring together researchers from both academia and industry to review existing findings, identify open problems, and brainstorm about future directions.

  • Afternoon
  • Saletta palazzina Lorenese – 10
  • http://www.evalworkshop.com