Poster Format

Information regarding poster boards for authors of accepted posters:

Poster display board size:4’ x 4’
Poster not to exceed:3.3’ x 3.3’ (1m x 1m)

Poster Timing

Posters will be displayed throughout the main conference days at the Posters/Exhibit Hall between 10 AM and 6 PM. Poster presenters are expected to be present on Day 2 of the conference (March 31) between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM at the poster hall for interaction with the conference attendees.


Poster Categories

Poster Category
Category Name
No of Posters
AAbuse, Security and Privacy4
BBehavioral Analysis and Personalization3
CBridging Structured and Unstructured Data2
DContent Analysis23
FPerformance, Scalability, and Availability6
GRelevance and Ranking7
HSearch Systems and Applications7
ISemantic Web7
JSocial Systems and Graph Analysis18
KSoftware Infrastructure1
LUser Interaction and Mobility3
MWeb For Emerging Regions6

Posters will be displayed at the venue as per the above categories. Authors are requested to please note the category of their posters based on the above.